torsdag 20 februari 2014

Vee Speers Thirteen

Jag är lite hopplöst förälskar i Vee Speers bilder! Hennes lite kusliga men otroligt vackra bilder ger mig nästan lite fjärilar i magen. Jag vill nästan ha alla!

Nu kommer en ny samling bilder där hon porträtterar sin trettonåriga dotter. Hon skriver själv om dom såhär:

"During my daughter’s thirteenth year, I photographed her as her childhood was eclipsed by growing pains and a desire for independence. The transition was unexpectedly fast, almost like observing the opening of a flower on fast forward. After capturing the last days of childhood in The Birthday Party, I have visually linked Thirteen by photographing only my daughter as the muse, against the same grey wall. It is, however, clearly a different story – one that explores the transformation from child to young woman, and new found freedom."

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